Gaelscoil na gCeithre Maol is a mixed primary school. Our school operates under the patronage of An Foras Pátrúnachta.
Gaelscoil na Ceithre Maol aims to foster a pleasant, safe and well-organized
environment. An environment where the children in our care can develop fully,
spiritually, physically, culturally and intellectually.
Another aim of Gaelscoil na Ceithre Maol is to nurture the goodness in every child. The Roman Catholic faith is taught and children are prepared for the sacraments. We foster respect and care for our environment in the entire school community.
Irish is the language of the school. The children participate in everything at school through the medium of Irish.
We aim to foster Gaelic culture, so that Gaelic music, dance and games form an integral part of the curriculum.
We want the school community to be proud of the Gaelscoil and that children
will leave the school with a positive attitude towards education through Irish
and Irish culture.
Our school motto is ‘United we‘re stronger’.